Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Holidays and update

Hey friends, students, and martial arts enthusiasts...

  I wanted to take this time to wish every single one of you a very happy holiday season. God Bless you and yours during this time meant for peace, love, and joy! :)

A little update on me... on the 7th of November, I suffered a knee injury. My ACL and MCL were completely torn, and I will be having surgery on December 2nd. The recovery will take awhile, obviously, but I have the support of each and every one of my friends and family members to get me through it. I also am blessed to have so many wonderful adult and youth black belts at New Edge Martial Arts, that have been assisting with classes during my injury. It is really nice to know that when times are rough, kindness sees everything through.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tang Soo Do Forms DVD

Tang Soo Do Forms DVD-
Available at Amazon, Ebay, and
Includes white belt through 5th Degree Black Belt Forms:
Kicho Hyung 1-4
Pyung Ahn 1-5
Naihanchi 1-3
Sip Soo
Chin Do
Kong Sang Koon
Ro Hai

Bonus Forms: 12 Patterns created by Senior Grand Master James Sun Hwan Chung
Forms shown in selectable angles and normal/slow speeds
Easy-to-navigate menu screens with music

Tae Kwon Do Forms DVDs

DVD available at Amazon, ebay, and
Includes all white belt through 4th Degree Black Belt WTF style forms:
Taegeuk 1-8

Bonus Forms: 12 Patterns created by Senior Grand Master James Sun Hwan Chung
Forms shown in selectable angles and normal/slow speeds
Easy-to-navigate menu screens with music

Friday, June 24, 2011

Katherine Elizabeth New

Katherine Elizabeth New (June 3rd, 1920 - June 21st, 2011)

Katherine (Kaye, Kitty, Katia) was many things throughout her long life not only to me, but everyone she touched in some way. Loving, selfless, sharp as a tac, and humorous to no end... a true joy to spend time with. A daughter, sister, mother, game show enthusiast, piano player, cook, friend, and even a World War II vet. To me, she was a best friend and most of all, my grandma. Thank you for the memories and legacy- have fun with Jesus. ♥

Teen Martial Arts classes at New Edge Martial Arts

New Edge Martial Arts is proud to announce an exciting class that will take place once a week, every Wednesday night at 8pm. The class is specifically for 12-17 year olds (and their 10 and 11 year old siblings, if they show a desire and maturity suitable to attend.)

The Teen class is geared towards the energy level of that age group and will strive to help create and strengthen friendships. It will build in each teen an increased appreciation for martial arts and fitness in general.


Yoga classes are now held at New Edge Martial Arts every Monday and Friday at 12:30pm. Classes are taught by Tim Clark, an amazing instructor who has educated Grosse Pointe residents on all things Yoga for the past ten years.

I just experienced my first ever Yoga class. It was an amazing workout and did wonders for handling the past couple of weeks worth of stress, as my grandmother recently passed away. I look forward to countless more Yoga sessions with Tim Clark, and highly recommend it to anyone with even the slightest bit of interest.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Black Belt tests and Korean Food!!!

The past several weeks have been VERY busy for New Edge Martial Arts, LLC. Several students have been or will attempt promotion in rank, as New Edge is in the process of a three week period of belt tests.
Other than basic, intermediate, and advanced promotions, three students have already achieved their Deputy Black Belts (one more on the way,) and three others attained their 1st Degree Black Belts. Congratulations to ALL for the many months/years of hard work and dedication. :)

To add to the excitement, several adult students went out to experience traditional Korean food at Korea Palace, which is a great restaurant in Sterling Heights, Michigan. They serve everything from mandu (dumplings,) to kimchee, bulgogi, and bibimbop.