Tang Soo Do DVD

Tang Soo Do:
A Visual Guide to Forms-
  • Contains ALL Kicho Hyung patterns, Pyung Ahn patterns, Bassai, all three Naihanchi forms, Sip Soo, Chin Do, Kong Sang Koon, and Ro Hai.
  • Each form can be viewed in a demonstrational (rotating camera) selection, as well as a slow speed option.
  • Most forms listed above can be viewed in a front-only or rear-only camera view, in addition to the demonstrational and slow options. The rear view is beneficial, as it shows the pattern as you would see an instructor perform it in class.
  • The DVD also contains 12 forms created by Senior Grand Master James Sun Hwan Chung, unique to his style of martial art known as Moo Sool Do.
  • The beautifully designed menus are easy to navigate and are broken down into Ranking, Black Belt, and Bonus patterns. Music accompanies each menu screen.
Click the 'Buy Now' button below to purchase the DVD.

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