Wednesday, August 5, 2009

DVDs and Film-

Just an update on my happenings over the past year or so- I am branching out into film and media.

I currently have two DVDs for sale-

Tae Kwon Do: A Visual Guide to Forms - featuring Taegeuk 1-8, Koryo, Keumgang, Taebaek, and Pyongwon

Tang Soo Do: A Visual Guide to Forms - featuring Kicho Hyung 1-4, Pyung Ahn 1-5, Bassai, Naihanchi 1-3, Sip Soo, Chin Do, Kong Sang Koon, and Ro Hai

Both DVDs showcase the respective patterns in either Demonstrational or Slow Speed selections, and most forms have selectable viewing angles. Also, each DVD has 12 bonus Moo Sool Do patterns created by my Grand Master, James Sun Hwan Chung, that are specifically for his students or anyone desiring to try something new.

they are available at:


Also, I recently was cast and filmed as an extra for the Michigan movie, 'Revenge of the Black Eagle,' that is still in production. I was a bodyguard in all black dress clothes during a fight scene in a bar. I may also be used for other fight scenes in the movie.

I will keep you updated on more news as it happens :)


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